Doi Bong

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Duck Pasta

Duck Pasta
Originally uploaded by Jason Hutchens.
We've never cooked duck before, but the first attempt turned out pretty nice, if I do say so myself. We got two duck fillets with the fat and skin left on, and I pan fried them skin-side down until golden and crispy. A lot of fat came out during this process, and I saved it for another day. The duck was thinly sliced, then combined with a sauce of tarragon, rose, cream and sherry vinegar. The results were served over a bed of al dente pasta. Wonderful! The duck fat was saved for the weekend, when we had a barbeque with some friends. I made "home fries" by frying large cubes of potato in the duck fat for about ten minutes until crispy golden brown, then tossing in finely chopped parsely, sea salt and pepper. Yum!